Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

I was diagnosed with endometriosis when I was teenager, and it became quite aggressive as I entered my twenties. My mind and body had suffered through five surgeries in less than four years time, and I was devoid of hope that my situation would improve. I had exhausted all traditional medical treatments, and the pain was so severe after the last surgery that I didn’t know how I would go on. I felt that I had no options. Someone suggested myofascial release as an alternative; ignoring my skepticism, I decided to try it. Within weeks, my body began releasing the pain, fear and anger it had been storing for years. Not only have I not had surgery in almost two years, but now I feel overall wellness and strength, and most importantly, Molly has given me hope again.

Sharon Sparrow -Elementary School Librarian/Teacher

Monadnock Myofascial Release

Sharon Sparrow -Elementary School Librarian/Teacher

I was diagnosed with endometriosis when I was teenager, and it became quite aggressive as I entered my twenties. My mind and body had suffered through five surgeries in less than four years time, and I was devoid of hope that my situation would improve. I had exhausted all traditional medical treatments, and the pain was so severe after the last surgery that I didn’t know how I would go on. I felt that I had no options. Someone suggested myofascial release as an alternative; ignoring my skepticism, I decided to try it. Within weeks, my body began releasing the pain, fear and anger it had been storing for years. Not only have I not had surgery in almost two years, but now I feel overall wellness and strength, and most importantly, Molly has given me hope again.
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