ONGOING MMFR Self-Care and Yoga Classes
To register email [email protected] or call 603-355-MMFR

MFR Style Stretching: This is held the second Tuesday of each month from 12:30- 1:30pm. It's focus is on teaching you how to stretch to release your fascia more permanently. Traditional stretching does not get to the deepest layer of fascia, the collagenous barrier. There is a way to stretch to create more whole system and more permanent structural change. This class will maximize your whole bodies flexibility for your active lifestyle. And, prevent further injury.
MFR Movement: Unwinding and Rebounding. This class is only for MMFR clients or those who have experienced JFB MFR. It’s held the third Tuesday of each month from 12:30-1:30pm. This class will focus on teaching you how to tune in to your bodies inherent wisdom for healing through movement. You will learn visual and movement meditation techniques designed to wake this system up and invite it to emerge. This class will take your MFR experience to the next level.
MFR Yoga classes with Michelle Davis owner of Essential Wellness, and Yoga Instructor. This class is held weekly on Thursdays from 12:15- 1:30pm. Michelle will lead the MMFR community through a series of Yoga poses designed to integrate the new space within the fascial system, and to strengthen areas of weakness. All so the whole body is able to support itself in whatever activity you choose to do. The classes will be for all levels, and mostly gentle flow and Kripalu style.
Myofascial Release Study Group and Water Unwinding led by Molly McMillan, OTR/L and owner of MMFR
If you have taken at least MFR I with John F. Barnes, P.T. MFR Seminars, you are welcome to attend this event. I'm very excited about doing this again in 2019. It's one of my favorite events. Be sure to register soon as this event can fill up quickly!
DATES: Sunday,January 27th and February 24th, 2019
TIME: 12:30-2:30 Study Group, and 3-4pm Water Unwinding.
LOCATION: Study Group at Monadnock MFR, 103 Roxbury St., Ste. 200 C, Keene, NH, and Water Unwinding at YMCA, 200 Summit Rd., Keene, NH
COST: $70 for both, $35 for the study group and $35 for the water unwinding
RSVP: Required for the water unwinding as space is limited, and requested for the study group.Bring your treatment clothes, swim suit, and towel. If you have a nose plug, and goggles they can help. The YMCA has lockers without locks, so either bring your own, rent one from them, or leave your valuables in your car.
Register by emailing